PreK Program Happenings

Fun with Water

PreK explores their Water Unit...

💧 We’ve had so much fun playing in the water table with floating blocks during the Water Unit. It was tricky to balance the blocks but we are always up for a challenge in Pre K!

💧 As the Water Unit comes to an end, Pre-K 109 made their own mini aquarium for their fish to live in.🐠 We talked about how we care for different animals in the water and what we can do to keep the water clean. #FINtasticAdventuresInPre-K

💧 Our little scientists got to work performing an experiment to find out how many drops of water it takes to fill each circle. We are having so much fun exploring our Water Unit..

💧 How many drops of water can fit on a penny? The children of PreK 107 conducted an experiment to find out! 

💧 Pre-K 109 is exploring the Water Unit! We discussed how certain objects sink or float. The students made their own clay boats and tested if they would sink or float when they put them in water! #SailingThroughTheWaterUnit